Playworks AmeriCorps Members are Inspired to Serve

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During AmeriCorps Week 2017, we like to highlight our AmeriCorps members' commitment to serving youth. Every day of the school year, each of our 12 AmeriCorps members in Colorado transforms the school day through play. They teach kids that it is okay to try something new and they develop students into leaders.

AmeriCorps members create a positive school environment for every kid to succeed. In return, each member is proud of the work they do and empowered to continue their efforts to inspire youth. Our communities are a better place because of their dedicated service. Hats off to you, AmeriCorps members!

To reflect on the impact of AmeriCorps, Coach Jamie shares her experience as a second-year member:

My name is Jamie Corella and I am a second-year AmeriCorps Program Coordinator for Playworks Colorado. As I think about AmeriCorps Week, I am able to take a moment to reflect on my time of service. It is truly exciting for me to look back over the time I have spent at schools serving so many different students. During my first school year as an AmeriCorps member, I was able to serve thousands of students rotating from school to school in the “flex” position. This school year, I am placed at my own school full time and have had the opportunity to get to know my students on a deeper level and really see their progress over time. 

When I try to think of the reason serving as an AmeriCorps member has resonated with me so much, I think back to the example that was set for me by my own coaches and teachers who worked tirelessly to serve and mentor me to become the person I am today. I was able to witness the sacrifice and selflessness that it takes to pour time into the development of young minds. Through my time as an AmeriCorps member, I have been able to embody that example and become a mentor in return.

Having the AmeriCorps emblem on my arm every day reminds me that, even on the tough days, the work and the service that I am doing truly matters. I have seen students grow their self-confidence, encourage and build up their peers, and mature into bright young leaders. Every day I see the potential in my students to change the world and make an impact on their community. This inspires me to step into my school ready to serve and willing to do my part to help my students succeed. If at the end of my second year of service I can say that I helped even one student have more opportunities to achieve, then my time serving this year will have been well worth it. I am extremely proud to be a member of a program that allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself and is truly making a difference across our nation.

Interested in becoming a Playworks AmeriCorps member? Learn more!


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