January Junior Coach of the Month

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Sebastian is a Junior Coach at Amberlea Elementary School in Phoenix, AZ.

In December, Sebastian won "Panther of the Month" because of his outstanding work ethic in class, his behavior, and his overall attitude. During his teacher's speech about him, she mentioned that he was a Playworks Junior Coach and he reflected it every day with his willingness to help other kids or even her throughout the day. This description is 100% accurate!

Sebastian's leadership skills are unmatched, but what stands out even more about Sebastian is his sympathy and empathy for other students. One week during December, Sebastian’s Playworks coach, Coach TJ, saw a 5th grade special needs student brushing off his knees after recess. He asked the boy what was wrong and he told the coach that some kids were throwing his sweater around and then pushed him to the ground. Coach TJ talked to the boys, had them apologize, and reported the incident to the office. His teacher then talked to the class about the importance of standing up to bullies and being the voice for those who can't stand up for themselves.

The next day, Coach TJ saw the same student walking around but also saw Sebastian following him as he went. Curious to see what was happening, Coach TJ approached Sebastian and asked if he had a buddy for the day. Sebastian responded, "Yeah I do, I am just trying to make sure that he has as much fun as possible and that nobody treats him in a way that is not right."

This happened in December. In January, Sebastian is still sticking with his buddy to make sure that he doesn't get hurt or picked on. He has also found other students that need extra support and has helped these students out at recess as a buddy. He is doing this because he truly cares about these kids and not because a teacher told him to do it.

Just recently, his buddy was playing tag with other kids, got tagged hard, and was upset. Sebastian held him back and calmed him down, assuring him that it wasn't on purpose and it was going to be okay.

Sebastian has stepped up as big leader for other Junior Coaches as well. As team lead for his recess group, he makes sure that his team members are signing in and out and reporting to their game stations. He is also responsible for each Junior Coach folding their shirts. During trainings, he leads in example by staying quiet during homework time and steps up to share his experiences with others. Sebastian has done it all and has proved he is a superstar in and out of class, at recess, and after school. It’s leaders like this who help Playworks #EnergizeAZ!

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