Brand Colors
Below are the official Playworks branded colors in the following color modes:
- RGB (universal)
- Hex (web)
- PMS (print)
The use of these colors applies to collateral and apparel pieces such as T-shirts and swag.
RGB: 140, 50, 29
Hex: #8c321d
PMS: 1805
RGB: 197, 93, 24
PMS: 152
RGB: 241, 157, 26
Hex: #f19d1a
PMS: 129
Bright Green
RGB: 119, 161, 25
Hex: #77a141
PMS: 390
Dark Green
RGB: 76, 115, 44
Hex: #4c732c
PMS: 377
Bright Blue
RGB: 67, 139, 197
Hex: #438bc5
PMS: 2995
Medium Blue
RGB: 5, 79, 149
Hex: #054f95
PMS: 3005
RGB: 26, 40, 69
Hex: #1a2845
PMS: 2955
Dark Purple
RGB: 79, 33, 77
Hex: #4f214d
PMS: 2623
Bright Purple
RGB: 139, 62, 127
Hex: #8b3e7f
PMS: 513
RGB: 122, 1240, 127
Hex: #7a7c7f
PMS: 423
Dark Gray
RGB: 77, 77, 79
Hex: #4d4d4f
PMS: 426