How to play wall ball.

This isn't the wall ball you may remember. This fun, fast-paced game is similar to racquet ball. All you need is two players, a wall, a bouncy ball and your hands. A great rotational game for playgrounds, the game of the week is Wall Ball!

Group Size: 

 Any size

Age Group: 

 Grades 1+

Length of Activity: 

 10 minutes or more

Developmental Goal: 

 To develop basic ball handling skills and hand-eye coordination.


 Bouncy Balls

Before You Start: 
Skills Practiced: Underhand and overhand ball hitting and agility.
Equipment Needed:  Enough standard rubber playground balls for each group.
  • Demonstrate how to hit the ball against the wall.
  • Choose players to help demonstrate game.  
  • As they play, point out various rules and directions.
  • Ask the players to explain the boundaries and how to hit the ball.

Set Up: 
Use a play area with a smooth, wide wall and marked boundaries are helpful.

How To Play: 
  • The game begins when one player serves the ball by hitting the ball towards the wall. 
  • The ball must bounce one time on the ground before it reaches the wall. 
  • The receiving player must let the ball hit the wall and bounce once before returning it.  
  • The player can then return the ball by hitting it and reaching the wall in one bounce off the ground.
  • Play continues until the ball:

    • Bounces on a line or outside the boundaries.
    • Hits the wall without bouncing off the ground.
    • Bounces twice before it is returned.
    • Is not allowed to bounce.
  • When a player stops the play, s/he goes to the end of the line and a new player comes into the game.
  • The remaining player is the server and begins the next game.

  • For lower skilled players, allow them to catch and return the ball.
  • After play has advanced past this basic game, players can add special rules. For example, instead of requiring one bounce before returning the ball, a player could allow returns before the ball bounces as well as on a single bounce.

Find more new and exciting games in our games database!

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