Laughter is the best medicine. Entertain your kids with these fun conversation starters for families.

Holiday breaks and vacations means more time with family. And during that break, you may come across the opportunity to get to know the kids just a little better. The following are conversations starters to kids gets talking and everyone laughing.

  • Tell a funny/embarrassing story of something that happened to you.

  • If you could be any cartoon character, which one would you be and why?

  • What’s the best thing you have ever smelled?

  • What is the ickiest thing you have ever smelled?

  • If you were to make a silly sandwich, what would you put on it?

  • If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would you high-five?

  • What’s your favorite game to play?

  • Tell a classic joke, such as What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!

  • If you were any character in any book you’ve read, who would it be and why?

  • If you had the power to shrink anything and take it with you, what would you do with it?

  • If you were stuck in the woods and all the animals were friendly, which one would you hang out with?

  • If you could rename any fruit or vegetable, what would you call it? What would you call a potato? An apple? A cauliflower? A peach? Cantaloupe?

  • If you were stranded at an airport and in charge of entertaining everyone with whatever equipment and space was available, what would you do?

  • If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?

  • What is your favorite silly song?
  • Prepose a silly What if, such as What if the sky was red? What if everybody walked on the ceiling instead of the ground? What if people could hear each other’s thoughts?

  • If you were in a circus, what would your job be?

  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, which animal would you choose?
  • Who’s the funniest person you know?

What funny conversations starters do you use?


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